Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of the data protection regulations (EU Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April 2016), transposed to national regulations by Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, Herontrad Linguistic Solutions, SL (hereinafter, “The Holder”), establishes the following Privacy Policy, which will be followed in the processing of personal data. This policy is understood, in any case, without prejudice to the provisions of the corresponding Legal Notice and the corresponding Cookies Policy.

1.- Identity of the data controller

Person in charge of treatment: Herontrad Linguistic Solutions, SL

Address: Illes Balears, 23 3B, 12530 Burriana, Castellón


Telephone: +34 964586645

2.- Contact details of the Data Protection Officer:

The data that may be requested from the users of this Website through contact forms, those others provided by the mere fact of accessing the Website (cookies), those others related to possible comments in the different corporate pages of the social networks linked from this Website, the personal data that the user enters within the enabled sections or those provided by the other enabled channels of communication (for example, e-mail) will be processed by the person responsible for the indicated processing.

3.- Aims of the treatment

It depends on the data processing carried out:

  • By the mere fact of visiting the Web Site, there is certain information that is collected on the servers that provide hosting services. Amongst this information is that relating to the IP address from which the Web Site is accessed. The purpose of the processing in this case is to make it easier for you to navigate the website. We may also collect certain information (cookies), which we will treat according to the specific Cookie Policy that you can consult.
  • If you provide us with the data through one or more of the enabled forms, the purpose will be the one indicated in the corresponding form. For example, in the case of providing us with your details on contact forms, the purpose will be to respond to the query made. In the case of using the chat service, the data will be processed in relation to the query made.
  • If you provide us with information through one or more of the social networks that this entity maintains and which are linked through this Website, this entity will assume the figure of the person responsible for the processing of the data provided (for example, photos uploaded by us or by third parties, comments that the interested party makes in relation to publications that we make, etc.).), we will treat the information exclusively in relation to its consultation, management or commentary made, and always within the social network and in the context of the same, not proceeding in any case to the extraction of such data unless we obtain consent from the interested party. However, the use of these platforms is subject to the full acceptance of their conditions, and this implies the processing of your data with other conditions different from those stated here. The official profiles on the social networks linked from this Website have been created to provide you with a better understanding of our activity and to create an alternative channel of communication with people interested in our entity and the services we offer, but we decline responsibility for the processing of data by the companies that manage the aforementioned social networks.
  • If you provide us with personal data via e-mail or other means (traditional or otherwise), we will generally process your data in relation to the management or consultation made. In compliance with Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the Owner will not send commercial communications without identifying them as such and without prior information. For this purpose, all information sent to interested parties will not be considered as commercial communications, provided that its purpose is to maintain the contractual relationship or to respond to your request or any other information related to your request -if necessary- and that is directly derived from this relationship.
  • If you place an order with us through our online shop, the purpose will be related to customer management, collection and payment management, as well as processing and sending the product, if it exists, to the indicated address. We may also use them in connection with the sending of commercial communications.
  • The period of retention of your data will depend on the data processing carried out:
  • The data related to the existing cookies in this Website have a conservation period indicated in the Cookie Policy itself.
  • The data that you send us through the means that this Web Site makes available (forms, e-mail, sales made) will be kept for the duration of the relationship with the interested party or he withdraws his consent in his case. Subsequently we will keep the data according to whether or not there is a legal obligation, being in any case the minimum period required depending on the relationship or management that is made.
  • The data included in the social networks linked through this Website will be kept by us until the interested party withdraws his/her consent. However, it is possible that the responsible entities may keep this data according to other processing policies for which we are not responsible in any case.
  • In relation to health management (if your pharmacotherapy history data is processed at the pharmacy), we will keep the data for the duration of the service (with the requirements of persistence, traceability of changes, authenticity, integrity and readability established in the legislation in force), and subsequently keep it blocked for a period of 5 years.

4.- Legal basis of the processing

It depends on the data processing carried out:

  • The existence of one or more legal obligations that oblige us to process. For example, we will keep the invoicing data for legal tax and accounting obligations for 6 years.
  • You have given us your consent to process your data in the terms set out above, by ticking the corresponding acceptance box in the registration process. This is the case for sending commercial communications.
  • There is a legitimate interest in the treatment. For example, in the event that the interested party provides us with his or her data in relation to a management entrusted to us, we will process it because we understand that we have to respond to it.
  • There is a previous contractual relationship. This is the case with the online purchase of products in our online shop.

5.- Recipient of your data.

In addition to the data controller described above, data may be processed by other entities depending on the nature of the data processing:

  • The entities responsible for the social networks linked from this website, in case the interested party provides information through them.
  • Certain companies responsible for the cookies that are placed on your computer simply by visiting this Web Site may have information associated with your IP address, browsing habits, etc., as described in the corresponding Cookie Policy.
  • Certain service companies related to this Website. For example, the entity that provides us with hosting services and the entity related to the transport of the product(s) purchased.
  • By legal obligation, the Spanish Tax Administration Agency may also request information of tax significance, and we are obliged to provide it.

6.- Rights of the persons concerned and ways of exercising them

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed by this entity.

Data subjects have the right of access to their personal data, as well as the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

Under certain circumstances, data subjects may request that the processing of their data be limited, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.

In other circumstances and on grounds relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data.

In those cases where you have given us your consent, we additionally inform you that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. If you so request, this entity will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

You may also request that your data be processed by another entity, and this entity will provide the portability of your data to the new controller. To this end, specific forms have been drawn up (which are available to you and which you may request) to enable you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, objection to processing, objection to automated individual decisions including profiling and to the portability of data. In any case, if you consider that these rights have not been properly satisfied by us, we inform you that you can file a complaint with the control authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency, Jorge Juan 6, 28001, Madrid, or with its electronic headquarters

 In any case, you may address your communications and exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by mail to the address indicated to the owner and to the address indicated in point 1 of this document. In order to exercise these rights and in compliance with Instruction 1/1998, of 19 January, of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, it is necessary for you to prove your identity by sending a photocopy of your National Identity Document or any other legally valid means.

7.- Origin of the data when it is not obtained from the interested party

The Holder maintains several pages and/or profiles in various social networks, linked through the present Website. The Holder shall not be responsible for what is published by third parties on the mentioned social networks. The use and processing of data by third parties on the aforementioned social networks shall be subject to general or specific conditions different from the present one.

8.- Acceptance and consent

The User declares that he/she has been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing of such data by the owner in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Personal Data Protection Policy.